Turning Right Before Bus

The Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Bus application warns a bus driver when a vehicle attempts to turn right in front of the bus as the bus pulls away from a stop. In Tampa, a similar application (Vehicle Turning Right in Front of Transit Vehicle) will deliver safety messages to TECO Line streetcar operators to help prevent crashes.

Signalized Cross Walk

The Pedestrian in Signalized Crosswalk application warns the driver of a connected vehicle when a pedestrian is crossing the street in the projected path of the vehicle. The THEA Connected Vehicle Pilot is adapting this application to improve pedestrian safety at the midblock crosswalk on Twiggs Street near the Hillsborough County Courthouse.

Interaction Movement Assistance

The Intersection Movement Assist application warns the driver of a connected vehicle if it is not safe to enter an intersection—for example, if another connected vehicle is running a red light or making a sudden turn. The THEA Connected Vehicle Pilot is deploying this application to help prevent crashes.

Forward Collision Warning

The Forward Collision Warning application warns the driver of a connected vehicle when a vehicle ahead is stopped or traveling slower and there is a risk of a rear-end collision. The THEA Connected Vehicle Pilot is using this application to improve safety.

Emergency Electronic Brake Warning

The Emergency Electronic Brake Light Warning application alerts the driver of a connected vehicle if hard braking occurs in the traffic stream ahead. The THEA Connected Vehicle Pilot is using this application to improve safety.

Curve Speed Warning

The Curve Speed Warning application alerts drivers of connected vehicles if they are going too fast for an approaching curve. In Tampa, a similar application called End of Ramp Deceleration Warning warns drivers to slow down to a recommended speed as their vehicles approach traffic backups at the downtown end of the Lee Roy Selmon Expressway Reversible Express Lanes.

Eco Traffic Signal

The Eco-Traffic Signal Priority application gives priority to buses at traffic signals to help reduce emissions. The THEA Connected Vehicle Pilot uses a similar application called Transit Signal Priority at several downtown intersections to keep Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) buses running on schedule.